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This section outlines the core entrypoints for the Invariant smart contract, providing developers with essential methods to interact with the protocol. These entrypoints cover various aspects of the contract, including protocol fee management, fee tier administration, pool creation and management, position handling, and swap functionality.


pub fn new(protocol_fee: Percentage) -> Self;

This constructor method initializes the contract with the specified protocol fee. The administrator role is assigned to the caller.

Input parameters

protocol_feePercentageThe percentage for the protocol fee.

Protocol fee

Get protocol fee

pub fn get_protocol_fee(&self) -> Percentage;

This method retrieves the current protocol fee percentage.

Output parameters

PercentageThe current protocol fee.

Withdraw protocol fee

pub fn withdraw_protocol_fee(&mut self, pool_key: PoolKey) -> Result<(), InvariantError>;

This operation enables the withdrawal of protocol fees associated with a specific pool, based on the provided pool key. The withdrawn funds are sent to the fee receiver wallet. Please note that this action can only be performed by fee receiver.

Input parameters

pool_keyPoolKeyThe pool key that corresponds to the withdrawal of fees from the associated pool.


NotFeeReceiverReverts the call when the caller is unauthorized receiver.

External Contracts

  • PSP22

Change protocol fee

pub fn change_protocol_fee(&mut self, protocol_fee: Percentage) -> Result<(), InvariantError>;

This function allows for the adjustment of the current protocol fee percentage. Note that this operation is restricted to administrators.

Input parameters

protocol_feePercentageThe new protocol fee percentage.


NotAdminReverts the call when the caller is an unauthorized user.

Change fee receiver

pub fn change_fee_receiver(
&mut self,
pool_key: PoolKey,
fee_receiver: AccountId,
) -> Result<(), InvariantError>;

This function allows for the modification of the fee receiver of a pool. Please note that this action is exclusively available to administrators.

Input parameters

pool_keyPoolKeyThe pool key of the pool where the change is to be made.
fee_receiverAccountIdThe new fee receiver's address of the pool.


NotAdminReverts the call when the caller is unauthorized user.

Fee tier

Add fee tier

pub fn add_fee_tier(&mut self, fee_tier: FeeTier) -> Result<(), InvariantError>;

This function enables the addition of a new fee tier, which users can subsequently utilize when creating pools. Please note that this action is restricted to administrators.

Input parameters

fee_tierFeeTierThe fee tier to be added.


NotAdminFails if an unauthorized user attempts to create a fee tier.
InvalidTickSpacingFails if the tick spacing is invalid.
FeeTierAlreadyExistFails if the fee tier already exists.
InvalidFeeFails if fee is invalid.

Fee Tier exist

pub fn fee_tier_exist(&self, key: FeeTier) -> bool;

This function is used to verify the existence of a specified fee tier.

Input parameters

keyFeeTierThe key associated with the fee tier to be checked for existence.

Output parameters

boolboolean indicating if the fee tier is added.

Get fee tiers

pub fn get_fee_tiers(&self) -> Vec<FeeTier>;

Retrieves all available fee tiers.

Output parameters

Vec<FeeTier>Vector containing all fee tiers.

Remove fee tier

pub fn remove_fee_tier(&mut self, key: FeeTier) -> Result<(), InvariantError>;

This function removes a fee tier based on the provided fee tier key. After removal, the fee tier will no longer be available for use in pool creation. It is important to note that existing pools with that fee tier will remain unaffected. This action is exclusively available to administrators.

Input parameters

keyFeeTierThe key associated with the fee tier to be removed.


NotAdminFails if an unauthorized user attempts to create a fee tier.
FeeTierNotFoundFails if fee tier does not exist.


Create pool

pub fn create_pool(
&mut self,
token_0: AccountId,
token_1: AccountId,
fee_tier: FeeTier,
init_sqrt_price: SqrtPrice
init_tick: i32,
) -> Result<(), InvariantError>;

This function creates a pool based on a pair of tokens and the specified fee tier. The order of the tokens is irrelevant, and only one pool can exist with a specific combination of two tokens and a fee tier.

Input parameters

token_0AccountIdAddress of the first PSP22 token in the pair.
token_1AccountIdAddress of the second PSP22 token in the pair.
fee_tierFeeTierThe fee tier to be applied.
init_sqrt_priceSqrtPriceThe square root of the price for the initial pool related to init_tick
init_ticki32The initial tick value for the pool.


FeeTierNotFoundFails if the specified fee tier cannot be found.
TokensAreSameFails if the user attempts to create a pool for the same tokens.
PoolAlreadyExistFails if Pool with same tokens and fee tier already exist.
InvalidInitTickFails if the init tick is not divisible by the tick spacing.
InvalidInitSqrtPriceFails if the init sqrt price is not related to the init tick.

Get pool

pub fn get_pool(
token_0: AccountId,
token_1: AccountId,
fee_tier: FeeTier,
) -> Result<Pool, InvariantError>;

This function retrieves a pool based on two tokens and the specified fee tier. It returns an error if the pool does not exist.

Input parameters

token_0AccountIdAddress of the first token in the pair.
token_1AccountIdAddress of the second token in the pair.
fee_tierFeeTierThe fee tier of the pool you want to retrieve.

Output parameters

PoolA struct containing pool data.


PoolNotFoundFails if there is no pool associated with created key.
TokensAreSameFails if the user attempts to create a pool for the same tokens.

Get pools

pub fn get_pools(
) -> Vec<PoolKey>;

This function retrieves a listed pool keys.

Output parameters

Vec<PoolKey>Vector with pool keys that indicates all pools listed.


Create position

pub fn create_position(
&mut self,
pool_key: PoolKey,
lower_tick: i32,
upper_tick: i32,
liquidity_delta: Liquidity,
slippage_limit_lower: SqrtPrice,
slippage_limit_upper: SqrtPrice,
) -> Result<Position, InvariantError>;

This function creates a position based on the provided parameters. The amount of tokens specified in liquidity delta will be deducted from the user's token balances. Position creation will fail if the user does not have enough tokens or has not approved enough tokens.

Input parameters

pool_keyPoolKeyThe pool key for which you want to create a position.
lower_ticki32The lower tick of your position.
upper_ticki32The upper tick of your position.
liquidity_deltaLiquidityThe liquidity you want to provide.
slippage_limit_lowerSqrtPriceThe lower square root of price fluctuation you are willing to accept.
slippage_limit_upperSqrtPriceThe upper square root of price fluctuation you are willing to accept.

Output parameters

PositionThe position that was created.


ZeroLiquidityFails if the user attempts to open a position with zero liquidity.
InvalidTickIndexOrTickSpacingFails if the user attempts to create a position with invalid tick indexes or tick spacing.
PriceLimitReachedFails if the price has reached the slippage limit.
TransferErrorFails if the allowance is insufficient or the user balance transfer fails.
PoolNotFoundFails if pool does not exist.

External Contracts

  • PSP22

Transfer position

pub fn transfer_position(
&mut self,
index: u32,
receiver: AccountId,
) -> Result<(), InvariantError>;

This function changes ownership of an existing position based on the position index in the user's position list. You can only change ownership of positions that you own; otherwise, it will return an error.

Input parameters

indexu32Index of the position in the user's position list.
receiverAccountIdAddress of the user who will receive the position.

Remove position

pub fn remove_position(
&mut self,
index: u32,
) -> Result<(TokenAmount, TokenAmount), InvariantError>;

This function removes a position from the user's position list and transfers the tokens used to create the position to the user's address.

Input parameters

indexu32Index of the position in the user's position list.

Output parameters

TokenAmountAmount of token X sent to the user's wallet address.
TokenAmountAmount of token Y sent to the user's wallet address.


PositionNotFoundFails if Position cannot be found.

External Contracts

  • PSP22

Claim fee

pub fn claim_fee(
&mut self,
index: u32,
) -> Result<(TokenAmount, TokenAmount), InvariantError>;

This function allows the user to claim fees from an existing position. Tokens will be sent to the user's address.

Input parameters

indexu32Index of the position in the user's position list.

Output parameters

TokenAmountAmount of token X sent to the user's wallet address.
TokenAmountAmount of token Y sent to the user's wallet address.


PositionNotFoundFails if Position cannot be found.

External Contracts

  • PSP22

Get position

pub fn get_position(&mut self, owner_id: AccountId, index: u32) -> Result<Position, InvariantError>;

This function returns an result that contains error if the position cannot be found or a position if it actually exists.

Input parameters

owner_idAccountIdAn AccountId identifying the user who owns the position.
indexu32Index of the position in the user's position list.

Output parameters

Result<Position, Invariant Error>An Error or a position struct with data if it exists.


PositionNotFoundFails if Position cannot be found.

Get all positions

pub fn get_all_positions(&mut self, owner_id: AccountId) -> Vec<Position>;

This function returns a list of positions owned by the caller. The list will be empty if you do not have any positions.

Input parameters

owner_idAccountIdAn AccountId identifying the user who own the positions.

Output parameters

Vec<Position>A list containing the user's positions.



pub fn swap(
&mut self,
pool_key: PoolKey,
x_to_y: bool,
amount: TokenAmount,
by_amount_in: bool,
sqrt_price_limit: SqrtPrice,
) -> Result<CalculateSwapResult, InvariantError>;

This function executes a swap based on the provided parameters. It transfers tokens from the user's address to the contract's address and vice versa. The swap will fail if the user does not have enough tokens, has not approved enough tokens, or if there is insufficient liquidity.

Input parameters

pool_keyPoolKeyPool key of the pool on which you wish to perform the swap.
x_to_yboolSpecifies the direction of the swap.
amountTokenAmountAmount of tokens you want to receive or give.
by_amount_inboolIndicates whether the entered amount represents the tokens you wish to receive or give.
sqrt_price_limitSqrtPriceIf the swap achieves this square root of the price, it will be canceled.

Output parameters

CalculateSwapResultA struct containing the amount in and amount out with starting and target square root of price, taken fee, pool and vector of crossed ticks.


AmountIsZeroFails if the user attempts to perform a swap with zero amounts.
PriceLimitReachedFails if the price has reached the specified price limit (or price associated with specified square root of price).
NoGainSwapFails if the user would receive zero tokens.
TransferErrorFails if the allowance is insufficient or the user balance transfer fails.
PoolNotFoundFails if pool does not exist.

External Contracts

  • PSP22

Swap route

pub fn swap_route(
&mut self,
amount_in: TokenAmount,
expected_amount_out: TokenAmount,
slippage: Percentage,
swaps: Vec<SwapHop>,
) -> Result<(), InvariantError>;

This function facilitates atomic swaps between the user's address and the contract's address, executing multiple swaps based on the provided parameters. Tokens are transferred bidirectionally, from the user to the contract and vice versa, all within a single transaction. The swap is designed to be atomic, ensuring that it either completes entirely or reverts entirely. The success of the swap depends on factors such as the user having sufficient tokens, having approved the necessary token amounts, and the presence of adequate liquidity. Any failure in meeting these conditions will result in the swap transaction being reverted.

Input parameters

amount_inTokenAmountAmount of tokens you want to swap
expected_amount_outTokenAmountExpected amount to receive as output calculated off-chain
slippagePercentagePercentage difference influencing price change, emphasizing precision in the number of tokens received compared to the expected quantity
swapsVec<SwapHop>Vector of pool keys and booleans identifying swap pool and direction


AmountIsZeroFails if the user attempts to perform a swap with zero amounts.
PriceLimitReachedFails if the price has reached the specified price limit (or price associated with specified square root of price).
NoGainSwapFails if the user would receive zero tokens.
TransferErrorFails if the allowance is insufficient or the user balance transfer fails.
PoolNotFoundFails if pool does not exist.

External Contracts

  • PSP22


pub fn quote(
pool_key: PoolKey,
x_to_y: bool,
amount: TokenAmount,
by_amount_in: bool,
sqrt_price_limit: SqrtPrice,
) -> Result<QuoteResult, InvariantError>;

This function performs a simulation of a swap based on the provided parameters and returns the simulation results. It does not involve any actual token transfers.

Input parameters

pool_keyPoolKeyPool key of the pool on which you wish to perform the swap.
x_to_yboolSpecifies the direction of the swap.
amountTokenAmountAmount of tokens you want to receive or give.
by_amount_inboolIndicates whether the entered amount represents the tokens you wish to receive or give.
sqrt_price_limitSqrtPriceIf the swap achieves this square root of the price, it will be canceled.

Output parameters

QuoteResultA struct containing amount of tokens received, amount of tokens given, square root of price after the simulated swap and list of ticks that has been crossed durning the simulation


AmountIsZeroFails if the user attempts to perform a swap with zero amounts.
PriceLimitReachedFails if the price has reached the specified price limit (or price associated with specified square root of price).
NoGainSwapFails if the user would receive zero tokens.
PoolNotFoundFails if pool does not exist.

Quote route

pub fn quote_route(
amount_in: TokenAmount,
swaps: Vec<SwapHop>,
) -> Result<TokenAmount, InvariantError>;

This function performs a simulation of multiple swaps based on the provided parameters and returns the simulation results. It does not involve any actual token transfers.

Input parameters

amount_inTokenAmountAmount of tokens you want to swap.
swapsVec<SwapHop>A vector containing all parameters needed to identify separate swap steps.

Output parameters

TokenAmountAmount of tokens received in the simulation.


AmountIsZeroFails if the user attempts to perform a swap with zero amounts.
PriceLimitReachedFails if the price has reached the specified price limit (or price associated with specified square root of price).
NoGainSwapFails if the user would receive zero tokens.
PoolNotFoundFails if pool does not exist.


Get tick

pub fn get_tick(
key: PoolKey,
index: i32
) -> Result<Tick, InvariantError>;

Retrieves information about a tick at a specified index.

Input parameters

keyPoolKeyA unique key that identifies the specified pool.
indexi32The tick index in the tickmap.

Output parameters

TickA struct containing tick data.


TickNotFoundFails if tick cannot be found.

Is tick initialized

pub fn is_tick_initialized(
key: PoolKey,
index: i32
) -> bool;

Retrieves information about a tick at a specified index.

Input parameters

keyPoolKeyA unique key that identifies the specified pool.
indexi32The tick index in the tickmap.

Output parameters

boolboolean identifying if the tick is initialized in tickmap.

Get position ticks

fn get_position_ticks(&self, owner: AccountId, offset: u32) -> Vec<PositionTick>;

Retrieves list of lower and upper ticks of user positions.

Input parameters

ownerAccountIdAn AccountId identifying the user who owns the position.
offsetu32The offset from the current position index.

Output parameters

Vector containing ticks of user positions.

Get user positions amount

fn get_user_position_amount(&self, owner: AccountId) -> u32;

Retrieves the amount of positions held by the user.

Input parameters

ownerAccountIdAn AccountId identifying the user who owns the position.

Output parameters

u32Number of user positions.

Get liquidity ticks

fn get_liquidity_ticks(&self, pool_key: PoolKey, offset: u16) -> Vec<LiquidityTick>;

Retrieves ticks of a specified pool.

Input parameters

pool_keyPoolKeyA unique key that identifies the specified pool.
offsetu16The offset from which ticks will be retrieved.

Output parameters

Vector containing ticks of specified pool.

Get liquidity ticks amount

fn get_liquidity_ticks_amount(&self, pool_key: PoolKey) -> u32;

Retrieves the amount of liquidity ticks of a specified pool.

Input parameters

pool_keyPoolKeyA unique key that identifies the specified pool.

Output parameters

u32Number of ticks on a specified pool.


Get tickmap

fn get_tickmap(&self, pool_key: PoolKey, center_tick: i32) -> Vec<(u16,u64)>;

Retrieves tickmap chunks for a specified pool.

Input parameters

pool_keyPoolKeyA unique key that identifies the specified pool.
center_ticki32Center tick index.

Output parameters

Vec<(u16,u64)/>Vector containing tickmap chunks index and value.