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This segment explores key storage structures that manage various entities within the Invariant Protocol. These collections play a crucial role in organizing and managing data in a structured manner, enhancing the overall functionality and performance of our contract. Within our collection interface, we enforce a tightly defined set of operations available for all data collections. Each collection implements the same basic methods, allowing for consistent data management regardless of the underlying data structures (vectors or HashMaps).


pub struct Positions {
positions_length: HashMap<ActorId, u32>,
positions: HashMap<(ActorId, u32), Position>,

The Positions struct is designed to manage positions associated with different accounts. It uses a HashMap data structure where each position is uniquely identified by the user's address and the index position within the user's position list. The provided functions allow you to add, update, remove, transfer, and retrieve positions and the number of positions associated with specific addresses.

HashMap<ActorId, u32>User's address.Number of the user's positions.
HashMap<(ActorId, u32), Position>Tuple containing the user's address and the index of a position.Position struct holding the position's data.

Position Storage Standard

Why are positions stored in the state instead of NFTs? We have chosen to store positions in the contract state rather than using NFTs for several reasons:

  1. Efficient Search Operations: One primary advantage is the enhanced efficiency in searching for and accessing specified positions. Independence from blockchain token indexers distinguishes this approach. Unlike the alternative, where determining a user's position may require iterating through all available NFTs, storing positions in the state streamlines the process of retrieving and managing positions for specific accounts. This makes it a more optimal choice when precision and speed are crucial.

  2. Gas Cost Optimization: Iterating through NFTs can pose challenges and inefficiencies, particularly with a substantial number of unique tokens. Storing positions in the state not only simplifies management and access but also proves to be more cost-effective in terms of gas fees and overall contract execution, leading to improved gas cost optimization. Unlike NFTs, which may incur additional costs for minting, transferring, and managing unique tokens, the state-based approach offers a more streamlined and economical solution.

  3. Data Integrity and Recovery: In scenarios where accidental deletion or burning of NFTs may occur, the state-based approach ensures the preservation of critical position data. This safeguards against potential data loss, offering an added layer of security and resilience to unforeseen circumstances.

Add Position

pub fn add(&mut self, account_id: &ActorId, position: &Position);

Adds a new position to the specified account.

Input parameters

account_idActorIdThe address of the user who will receive the position.
positionPositionThe Position struct with data.

Update Position

pub fn update(
&mut self,
account_id: &ActorId,
index: u32,
position: &Position,
) -> Result<(), InvariantError>;

Updates an existing position at a specific index for the specified account. Returns an error if the specified index is out of bounds.

Input parameters

account_idActorIdThe address of the user whose position will be updated.
indexu32The index of an existing position of the user.
positionPositionThe Position struct with data that will replace the existing position.

Remove Position

pub fn remove(
&mut self,
account_id: &ActorId,
index: u32,
) -> Result<Position, InvariantError>;

Removes a position at a specific index for the specified account. Returns an error if the specified index is out of bounds.

Input parameters

account_idActorIdThe address of the user whose position will be removed.
indexu32The index of an existing position of the user.

Output parameters

PositionPosition struct with data of removed position.

Transfer Position

Transfers a position from one account to another. Returns an error if the position does not exist.

pub fn transfer(
&mut self,
account_id: &ActorId,
index: u32,
receiver_account_id: &ActorId,
) -> Result<(), InvariantError>;

Input parameters

account_idActorIdThe address of the user whose position will be transferred.
indexu32The index of an existing position of the user.
receiver_account_idActorIdThe address of the user who will receive the position.

Get All Positions

pub fn get_all(&self, account_id: &ActorId) -> Vec<Position>;

Retrieves all positions associated with the specified account.

Input parameters

account_idActorIdThe address of the user whose positions will be returned.

Output parameters

Vec<Position>A vector containing the user's positions.

Get Position

pub fn get(&'a self, account_id: &ActorId, index: u32) -> Result<&'a Position, InvariantError>;

Retrieves a position at a specific index for the specified account. Returns none if the specified index is out of bounds.

Input parameters

account_idActorIdThe address of the user whose positions will be returned.

Output parameters

Option<Position>An option containing the user's position or none.

Get Number Of Positions

fn get_length(&self, account_id: &ActorId) -> u32;

Retrieves the number of positions associated with the specified account.

Input parameters

account_idActorIdThe address of the user whose number of positions will be returned.

Output parameters

u32The number of the user's positions.


pub struct Ticks {
ticks: HashMap<(PoolKey, i32), Tick>,

The Ticks struct is designed to manage ticks associated between different pools. It uses a HashMap data structure, where each tick is identified by a tuple of PoolKey and i32 (tick index), and a Tick object is stored as the associated value. The provided functions allow you to retrieve, add, update, and remove ticks associated with specific PoolKey values.

HashMap<(PoolKey, i32), Tick>Tuple containing the pool key and the tick index of a tick.Tick struct holding the tick's data.

Add tick

pub fn add(&mut self, key: PoolKey, index: i32, tick: &Tick) -> Result<(), InvariantError>;

Adds a new tick associated with a specific pool key and index. Returns an error if tick already exist.

keyPoolKeyPool key of the pool.
indexi32Index of a tick.
tickTickTick struct with tick data.

Update tick

pub fn update(
&mut self,
key: PoolKey,
index: i32,
tick: Tick,
) -> Result<(), InvariantError>;

Updates an existing tick associated with a specific pool key and index. Returns an error if the specified tick does not exist.

Input parameters

keyPoolKeyPool key of the pool.
indexi32Index of a tick.
tickTickTick struct with tick data.

Remove tick

pub fn remove(&mut self, key: PoolKey, index: i32) -> Result<(), InvariantError>;

Removes a tick associated with a specific pool key and index. Returns an error if the specified tick does not exist.

Input parameters

keyPoolKeyPool key of the pool.
indexi32Index of a tick.

Get tick

Retrieves a tick associated with a specific pool key and index. Return an error if specified tick cannot be found.

pub fn get(&'a self, key: PoolKey, index: i32) -> Result<&'a Tick, InvariantError>;

Input parameters

keyPoolKeyPool key of the pool.
indexi32Index of a tick.

Output parameters

TickTick struct with tick data.


pub struct Pools {
pools: HashMap<PoolKey, Pool>,
HashMap<PoolKey, Pool>The pool key of a specified pool.Pool struct holding the pools's data.

The Pools struct is designed to manage pools associated with different PoolKey values. It uses a HashMap data structure, where each pool is identified by a unique PoolKey, and a Pool object is stored as the associated value. The provided functions allow you to add, retrieve, update, and remove pools associated with specific PoolKey values.

Add pool

pub fn add(&mut self, pool_key: &PoolKey, pool: &Pool) -> Result<(), InvariantError>;

Adds a new pool associated with the specified pool key. Returns an error if a pool with the same pool key already exists.

Input parameters

pool_keyPoolKeyPool key of the pool.
poolPoolPool struct with pool data.

Update pool

pub fn update(&mut self, pool_key: &PoolKey, pool: &Pool) -> Result<(), InvariantError>;

Updates an existing pool associated with the specified pool key. Returns an error if the specified pool does not exist.

Input parameters

pool_keyPoolKeyPool key of the pool.
poolPoolPool struct with pool data.

Remove pool

pub fn remove(&mut self, pool_key: PoolKey) -> Result<(), InvariantError>;

Removes a pool associated with the specified pool key. Returns an error if the specified pool does not exist.

Input parameters

pool_keyPoolKeyPool key of the pool.

Get pool

pub fn get(&self, pool_key: &PoolKey) -> Result<Pool, InvariantError>;

Retrieves a pool associated with the specified pool key. Returns an error if the specified pool does not exist.

Input parameters

pool_keyPoolKeyPool key of the pool.

Output parameters

PoolPool struct with pool data.

Fee Tiers

pub struct FeeTiers {
fee_tiers: Vec<FeeTier>,

The FeeTiers struct is designed to manage fee tiers. It utilizes a vector (Vec) data structure, where each element corresponds to a different fee tier represented by a FeeTier object. The provided functions allow you to add, retrieve, update, and remove fee tiers within the collection. Each fee tier is uniquely identified within the vector, and you can perform operations on these fee tiers based on their positions in the vector.

Add fee tier

pub fn add(&mut self, key: &FeeTier) -> Result<(), InvariantError>;

Adds a new fee tier associated with the specified FeeTier. Returns an error if fee tier already exist.

Input parameters

keyFeeTierFee tier you want to add.

Remove fee tier

pub fn remove(&mut self, key: &FeeTier) -> Result<(), InvariantError>;

Removes a fee tier associated with the specified FeeTier. Returns an error if fee tier cannot be found.

Input parameters

keyFeeTierFee tier you want to remove.

Contains fee tier

pub fn contains(&self, key: &FeeTier) -> bool;

Verifies if specified fee tier exist.

Input parameters

keyFeeTierFee tier you want to check if exists.

Output parameters

boolBool value indicating if fee tier exists or not.

Get all fee tiers

pub fn get_all(&self) -> Vec<FeeTier>;

Retrieves all fee tiers.

Output parameters

Vec<FeeTier>A vector containing fee tiers.

Pool Keys

pub struct PoolKeys {
pool_keys: HashMap<PoolKey, u16>,
pool_keys_by_index: HashMap<u16, PoolKey>,
pool_keys_length: u16,

The PoolKeys struct is designed to manage pool keys. It utilizes a HashMap data structure, where each element corresponds to a different pool key represented by a PoolKey object. We have decided to choose a HashMap structure due to vector (Vec) size limitiation of 16kB. The provided functions allow you to add, retrieve, update, and remove pool keys within the collection. Each pool key is uniquely identified within the HashMap, and you can perform operations on these pool keys based on their positions in the map.

Add pool key

pub fn add(&mut self, pool_key: &PoolKey) -> Result<(), InvariantError>;

Adds a new pool key. Returns an error if pool key already exist.

Input parameters

pool_keyPoolKeyPool key you want to add.

Remove pool key

pub fn remove(&mut self, pool_key: &PoolKey) -> Result<(), InvariantError>;

Removes a pool key. Returns an error if pool key cannot be found.

Input parameters

pool_keyPoolKeyPool key you want to remove.

Contains pool key

pub fn contains(&self, pool_key: &PoolKey) -> bool;

Verifies if specified pool key exist.

Input parameters

pool_keyPoolKeyPool key you want to check if exists.

Output parameters

boolBool value indicating if pool key exists or not.

Get pool key index

pub fn get_index(&mut self, pool_key: &PoolKey) -> Result<(), InvariantError>;

Retrieves specified pool key index in HashMap.

Input parameters

pool_keyPoolKeyPool key you want to check if exists.

Get all pool keys

pub fn get_all(&self, size: u8, offset: u16) -> Vec<PoolKey>;

Retrieves all pool keys.

Input parameters

sizeu8Max size of returned vec
offsetu16Offset to start listing PoolKeys from

Output parameters

Vec<PoolKey>A vector containing pool keys.