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1. What makes Invariant stand out from other exchanges?

The distinguishing feature is that Invariant provides liquidity only within certain price ranges. This brings the effect of keeping the liquidity where the price currently is and thus where it is most needed.

2. What is concentrated liquidity?

Concentrated liquidity is our main feature. In common liquidity pools, liquidity is distributed along the whole price curve. In Invariant you can choose an exact price range. As a result, the whole amount invested will earn for you.

3. What’s the highest possible liquidity concentration?

Your liquidity can get even 40 000 more efficient.

4. What does “permissionless” mean?

It means that our application includes all the tokens from Solana’s list. Additionally, each user can add their own custom-token - for free and without any required permits.

5. What is a tick?

Tick is the boundary between discrete areas in price space. It represents a 0.01% difference in the price. Without it, there is no possible way to make concentrated liquidity work.

6. Do I have to create an account and/or go through the KYC process?

No, in Invariant we believe in full decentralization. Only connecting a wallet is required to use Invariant functionalities. There is no KYC process either.

7. What wallets can I use?

You can use Phantom, Sollet, Math Wallet, Solflare, Coin98, Slope, and Clover.

8. How can I verify that the transaction was completed?

The confirmation pop-ups on the screen.

9. What is Revenue Sharing?

Revenue Sharing is a system that allows you to share the profits from the platform. Invariant is open to future collaborations - we even prepared a special feature, which allows the fee to be passed to a source other than the Invariant protocol.

10. Can I use Invariant on my phone?

Yes, you can use the Invariant mobile app at any time and at any place on your phone.

11. Has Invariant been audited?

The audit is in progress, but we expect positive results soon. The auditing company is Soteria.

12. What fees do I pay when I exchange tokens?

While swapping tokens, you can see the fee below. If you create positions on the liquidity pool, you can choose the fee from 0,1% to 1%.

13. Can I withdraw my liquidity anytime?

Yes, you can withdraw your liquidity anytime.

14. Is Invariant code open-source?

Our code will be fully open-sourced after the audit.

15. Why Solana?

There are many reasons to choose Solana. To begin with, Solana can manage 65,000 transactions per second with a $0.01 average fee. It is also a great solution when it comes to the environment since Solana uses much less energy compared to other blockchains.

16. How can I contact the Invariant team?

You can join our Discord channel or DM us on Twitter.