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Price of the token

The price of the tokens in Invariant is determined by the ratio of both tokens in the liquidity pool. This ratio is given by the following formula, where:

  • LL is liquidity,
  • xx is the unit of the XX token,
  • yy is the unit of the YY token.

The formula fot the price of the token is given as follow:

p=yx=L2x=yx.\begin{aligned} \Large p=-\frac{\partial y}{\partial x}=\frac{L^2}{x}=\frac{y}{x}. \end{aligned}

Each point on a curve xy=L2xy=L^2 can be parameterized using the variable pp in the following way:

φ:(x,y)(Lp,Lp).\begin{aligned} \Large \varphi: (x,y) \longmapsto (\frac{L}{\sqrt{p}},L\sqrt{p}). \end{aligned}

Liquidity graph

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