Entrypoint called when deploying new contract. Creates state and authority pubkey.
#[instruction( nonce: u8)]
pub struct CreateState<'info> {
#[account(init, seeds = [b"statev1".as_ref()], bump, payer = admin, space = State::LEN)]
pub state: AccountLoader<'info, State>,
pub admin: Signer<'info>,
#[account(seeds = [b"Invariant".as_ref()], bump = nonce)]
/// CHECK: Ignore
pub program_authority: AccountInfo<'info>,
pub rent: Sysvar<'info, Rent>,
#[account(address = system_program::ID)]
/// CHECK: Ignore
pub system_program: AccountInfo<'info>,
Context Params
Name | Type | Description |
nonce | u8 | Authority account nonce. |
Name | Type | Description |
state | State | State account that will be initialized. |
admin | Signer | Admin account, which is also a signer of the transaction. |
program_authority | AccountInfo | Empty account which owns all ATAs and signs transfer transactions. |
rent | Sysvar<'info, Rent> | System rent account. |
system_program | AccountInfo | System program account. |
Admin restricted entrypoint, allows for creation of fee tiers.
#[access_control(admin(&ctx.accounts.state, &ctx.accounts.admin))]
pub fn create_fee_tier(
ctx: Context<CreateFeeTier>,
fee: u128,
tick_spacing: u16,
) -> Result<()> {
ctx.accounts.handler(fee, tick_spacing, ctx.bumps.fee_tier)
Entrypoint Params
Name | Type | Description |
fee | u128 | Fee that will be converted into fixed point type. |
tick_spacing | u16 | Space between valid ticks. |
#[instruction(fee: u128, tick_spacing: u16)]
pub struct CreateFeeTier<'info> {
seeds = [b"feetierv1", __program_id.as_ref(), &fee.to_le_bytes(), &tick_spacing.to_le_bytes()],
bump, payer = admin, space = FeeTier::LEN
pub fee_tier: AccountLoader<'info, FeeTier>,
#[account(seeds = [b"statev1".as_ref()], bump = state.load()?.bump)]
pub state: AccountLoader<'info, State>,
#[account(mut, constraint = &state.load()?.admin == admin.key @ InvalidAdmin)]
pub admin: Signer<'info>,
pub rent: Sysvar<'info, Rent>,
#[account(address = system_program::ID)]
/// CHECK: Ignore
pub system_program: AccountInfo<'info>,
Context Params
Name | Type | Description |
fee | u128 | Fee that will be converted into fixed point type. |
tick_spacing | u16 | Space between valid ticks. |
Name | Type | Description |
fee_tier | FeeTier | FeeTier to be created. |
state | State | State account of the protocol. |
admin | Signer | Protocol admin account. |
rent | Sysvar<'info, Rent> | System rent account. |
system_program | AccountInfo | System program account. |
Code | Description |
InvalidTickSpacing | Tick spacing outside of valid range. |
InvalidAdmin | Admin account is invalid. |
Entrypoint used for creating pools. Tickmap account key must be generated off chain. To use pool fully you must initialize reserves with a separate entrypoint.
pub fn create_pool(ctx: Context<CreatePool>, init_tick: i32) -> Result<()> {
ctx.accounts.tick_handler(init_tick, ctx.bumps.pool)
Entrypoint Params
Name | Type | Description |
init_tick | i32 | Initial price tick for the pool. |
pub struct CreatePool<'info> {
#[account(seeds = [b"statev1".as_ref()], bump = state.load()?.bump)]
pub state: AccountLoader<'info, State>,
seeds = [b"poolv1", token_x.to_account_info().key.as_ref(), token_y.to_account_info().key.as_ref(), &fee_tier.load()?.fee.v.to_le_bytes(), &fee_tier.load()?.tick_spacing.to_le_bytes()],
bump, payer = payer, space = Pool::LEN
pub pool: AccountLoader<'info, Pool>,
seeds = [b"feetierv1", __program_id.as_ref(), &fee_tier.load()?.fee.v.to_le_bytes(), &fee_tier.load()?.tick_spacing.to_le_bytes()],
bump = fee_tier.load()?.bump
pub fee_tier: AccountLoader<'info, FeeTier>,
pub tickmap: AccountLoader<'info, Tickmap>,
mint::token_program = token_x_program
pub token_x: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>>,
mint::token_program = token_y_program
pub token_y: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>>,
pub payer: Signer<'info>,
#[account(constraint = token_x_program.key() == token::ID || token_x_program.key() == token_2022::ID)]
pub token_x_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,
#[account(constraint = token_y_program.key() == token::ID || token_y_program.key() == token_2022::ID)]
pub token_y_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,
pub rent: Sysvar<'info, Rent>,
#[account(address = system_program::ID)]
/// CHECK: ignore
pub system_program: AccountInfo<'info>,
Name | Type | Description |
state | State | State account of the protocol. |
fee_tier | FeeTier | FeeTier that the tick spacing and fee percentage will be taken from. |
tickmap | Tickmap | Empty account that will be used to store tickmap. |
token_x | Mint | Token X Mint account. |
token_y | Mint | Token Y Mint account. |
payer | Signer | Signer of the transaction. |
token_x_program | TokenInterface | Token X associated program account. |
token_y_program | TokenInterface | Token Y associated program account. |
rent | Sysvar<'info, Rent> | System rent account. |
system_program | AccountInfo | System program account. |
Code | Description |
InvalidTickIndex | Initial tick not divisible by spacing or outside of size limit or price limit. |
InvalidPoolTokenAddresses | Tokens were not sorted correctly or are the same. |
Entrypoint used for creating pools. Tickmap account key must be generated off chain. To use pool fully you must initialize reserves with a separate entrypoint.
pub fn create_pool_with_sqrt_price(ctx: Context<CreatePool>, init_price: Price) -> Result<()> {
ctx.accounts.sqrt_price_handler(init_price, ctx.bumps.pool)
Entrypoint Params
Name | Type | Description |
init_price | Price | Initial price square root for the pool. |
pub struct CreatePool<'info> {
#[account(seeds = [b"statev1".as_ref()], bump = state.load()?.bump)]
pub state: AccountLoader<'info, State>,
seeds = [b"poolv1", token_x.to_account_info().key.as_ref(), token_y.to_account_info().key.as_ref(), &fee_tier.load()?.fee.v.to_le_bytes(), &fee_tier.load()?.tick_spacing.to_le_bytes()],
bump, payer = payer, space = Pool::LEN
pub pool: AccountLoader<'info, Pool>,
seeds = [b"feetierv1", __program_id.as_ref(), &fee_tier.load()?.fee.v.to_le_bytes(), &fee_tier.load()?.tick_spacing.to_le_bytes()],
bump = fee_tier.load()?.bump
pub fee_tier: AccountLoader<'info, FeeTier>,
pub tickmap: AccountLoader<'info, Tickmap>,
mint::token_program = token_x_program
pub token_x: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>>,
mint::token_program = token_y_program
pub token_y: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>>,
pub payer: Signer<'info>,
#[account(constraint = token_x_program.key() == token::ID || token_x_program.key() == token_2022::ID)]
pub token_x_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,
#[account(constraint = token_y_program.key() == token::ID || token_y_program.key() == token_2022::ID)]
pub token_y_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,
pub rent: Sysvar<'info, Rent>,
#[account(address = system_program::ID)]
/// CHECK: ignore
pub system_program: AccountInfo<'info>,
Name | Type | Description |
state | State | State account of the protocol. |
fee_tier | FeeTier | FeeTier that the tick spacing and fee percentage will be taken from. |
tickmap | Tickmap | Empty account that will be used to store tickmap. |
token_x | Mint | Token X Mint account. |
token_y | Mint | Token Y Mint account. |
payer | Signer | Signer of the transaction. |
token_x_program | TokenInterface | Token X associated program account. |
token_y_program | TokenInterface | Token Y associated program account. |
rent | Sysvar<'info, Rent> | System rent account. |
system_program | AccountInfo | System program account. |
Code | Description |
InvalidTickIndex | Initial tick not divisible by spacing or outside of size limit or price limit. |
InvalidPoolTokenAddresses | Tokens were not sorted correctly or are the same. |
Entrypoint used for initializing reserves on existing pool. It only needs to be called once after creating the pool.
pub fn init_reserves(ctx: Context<InitReserves>) -> Result<()> {
pub struct InitReserves<'info> {
#[account(seeds = [b"statev1".as_ref()], bump = state.load()?.bump)]
pub state: AccountLoader<'info, State>,
seeds = [b"poolv1", token_x.to_account_info().key.as_ref(), token_y.to_account_info().key.as_ref(), &pool.load()?.fee.v.to_le_bytes(), &pool.load()?.tick_spacing.to_le_bytes()],
bump = pool.load()?.bump
pub pool: AccountLoader<'info, Pool>,
mint::token_program = token_x_program
pub token_x: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>>,
mint::token_program = token_y_program
pub token_y: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>>,
token::mint = token_x,
token::authority = authority,
token::token_program = token_x_program,
payer = payer,
pub token_x_reserve: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>>,
token::mint = token_y,
token::authority = authority,
token::token_program = token_y_program,
payer = payer,
pub token_y_reserve: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>>,
pub payer: Signer<'info>,
#[account(constraint = &state.load()?.authority == authority.key @ InvalidAuthority)]
/// CHECK: ignore
pub authority: AccountInfo<'info>,
#[account(constraint = token_x_program.key() == token::ID || token_x_program.key() == token_2022::ID)]
pub token_x_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,
#[account(constraint = token_y_program.key() == token::ID || token_y_program.key() == token_2022::ID)]
pub token_y_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,
#[account(address = system_program::ID)]
/// CHECK: ignore
pub system_program: AccountInfo<'info>,
Name | Type | Description |
state | State | State account of the protocol. |
pool | Pool | Pool to initialize the reserves of. |
token_x | Mint | Token X Mint account. |
token_y | Mint | Token Y Mint account. |
token_x_reserve | TokenAccount | Empty account for Token X associated token account. |
token_y_reserve | TokenAccount | Empty account for Token Y associated token account. |
payer | Signer | Signer of the transaction. |
authority | AccountInfo | Authority account from the protocol state. |
token_x_program | TokenInterface | Token X associated program account. |
token_y_program | TokenInterface | Token Y associated program account. |
system_program | AccountInfo | System program account. |
Code | Description |
InvalidAuthority | Provided authority is invalid or provided token account doesn't belong to authority. |
InvalidPoolTokenAddresses | Tokens were not sorted correctly or are the same. |
Creates position list for an account, position list is unique for the entire protocol.
pub fn create_position_list(ctx: Context<CreatePositionList>) -> Result<()> {
pub struct CreatePositionList<'info> {
seeds = [b"positionlistv1", owner.key().as_ref()],
payer = signer,
space = PositionList::LEN
pub position_list: AccountLoader<'info, PositionList>,
/// CHECK: Ignore
pub owner: AccountInfo<'info>,
pub signer: Signer<'info>,
pub rent: Sysvar<'info, Rent>,
#[account(address = system_program::ID)]
/// CHECK: Ignore
pub system_program: AccountInfo<'info>,
Name | Type | Description |
position_list | PositionList | Account of the position list to be created. |
owner | AccountInfo | Account of the position list owner. |
signer | Signer | Account of transaction signer. |
rent | Sysvar<'info, Rent> | Rent account. |
system_program | AccountInfo | System program account. |
Creates tick on a specified pool with specified tick index.
pub fn create_tick(ctx: Context<CreateTick>, index: i32) -> Result<()> {
ctx.accounts.handler(index, ctx.bumps.tick)
Entrypoint Params
Name | Type | Description |
index | i32 | Index of the tick. |
#[instruction( index: i32)]
pub struct CreateTick<'info> {
seeds = [b"tickv1", pool.key().as_ref(), &index.to_le_bytes()],
bump, payer = payer, space = Tick::LEN
pub tick: AccountLoader<'info, Tick>,
seeds = [b"poolv1", token_x.key().as_ref(), token_y.key().as_ref(), &pool.load()?.fee.v.to_le_bytes(), &pool.load()?.tick_spacing.to_le_bytes()],
bump = pool.load()?.bump
pub pool: AccountLoader<'info, Pool>,
constraint = tickmap.key() == pool.load()?.tickmap @ InvalidTickmap,
constraint = tickmap.to_account_info().owner == __program_id @ InvalidTickmapOwner,
pub tickmap: AccountLoader<'info, Tickmap>,
pub payer: Signer<'info>,
constraint = token_x.key() == pool.load()?.token_x @ InvalidTokenAccount,
mint::token_program = token_x_program
pub token_x: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
constraint = token_y.key() == pool.load()?.token_y @ InvalidTokenAccount,
mint::token_program = token_y_program
pub token_y: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
pub rent: Sysvar<'info, Rent>,
#[account(address = system_program::ID)]
/// CHECK: Ignore
pub system_program: AccountInfo<'info>,
#[account(constraint = token_x_program.key() == token::ID || token_x_program.key() == token_2022::ID)]
pub token_x_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,
#[account(constraint = token_y_program.key() == token::ID || token_y_program.key() == token_2022::ID)]
pub token_y_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,
Context Params
Name | Type | Description |
index | i32 | Index of the tick. |
Name | Type | Description |
tick | Tick | Account of the tick to be created. |
pool | Pool | Pool on which the tick will be created. |
tickmap | Tickmap | Account of the pools tickmap. |
token_x | Mint | Token X mint account. |
token_y | Mint | Token Y mint account. |
token_x_program | TokenInterface | Token X associated token account. |
token_y_program | TokenInterface | Token Y associated token account. |
payer | Signer | Account of transaction signer. |
rent | Sysvar<'info, Rent> | Rent account. |
system_program | AccountInfo | System program account. |
Code | Description |
InvalidTickmap | Tickmap doesn't match pools tickmap. |
InvalidTickmapOwner | Tickmap owned by wrong account. |
InvalidTokenAccount | Provided token mint is incorrect. |
InvalidTickIndex | Initial tick not divisible by spacing or outside of size limit or price limit. |
Creates position on desired pool with liquidity spread on the range specified by the tick indexes range.
pub fn create_position(
ctx: Context<CreatePosition>,
_lower_tick_index: i32,
_upper_tick_index: i32,
liquidity_delta: Liquidity,
slippage_limit_lower: Price,
slippage_limit_upper: Price,
) -> Result<()> {
Entrypoint Params
Name | Type | Description |
lower_tick_index | i32 | Index of the lower tick for the position. |
upper_tick_index | i32 | Index of the upper tick for the position. |
liquidity_delta | Liquidity | Liquidity for the new position. |
slippage_limit_lower | Price | Min price the pool may have at the moment when position is created. |
slippage_limit_upper | Price | Max price the pool may have at the moment when position is created. |
#[instruction( lower_tick_index: i32, upper_tick_index: i32)]
pub struct CreatePosition<'info> {
#[account(seeds = [b"statev1".as_ref()], bump = state.load()?.bump)]
pub state: AccountLoader<'info, State>,
seeds = [b"positionv1",
bump, payer = payer, space = Position::LEN
pub position: AccountLoader<'info, Position>,
seeds = [b"poolv1", token_x.key().as_ref(), token_y.key().as_ref(), &pool.load()?.fee.v.to_le_bytes(), &pool.load()?.tick_spacing.to_le_bytes()],
bump = pool.load()?.bump
pub pool: AccountLoader<'info, Pool>,
seeds = [b"positionlistv1", owner.key.as_ref()],
bump = position_list.load()?.bump
pub position_list: AccountLoader<'info, PositionList>,
pub payer: Signer<'info>,
pub owner: Signer<'info>,
seeds = [b"tickv1", pool.key().as_ref(), &lower_tick_index.to_le_bytes()],
bump = lower_tick.load()?.bump
pub lower_tick: AccountLoader<'info, Tick>,
seeds = [b"tickv1", pool.key().as_ref(), &upper_tick_index.to_le_bytes()],
bump = upper_tick.load()?.bump
pub upper_tick: AccountLoader<'info, Tick>,
constraint = tickmap.key() == pool.load()?.tickmap @ InvalidTickmap,
constraint = tickmap.to_account_info().owner == __program_id @ InvalidTickmapOwner,
pub tickmap: AccountLoader<'info, Tickmap>,
#[account(constraint = token_x.key() == pool.load()?.token_x @ InvalidTokenAccount, mint::token_program = token_x_program)]
pub token_x: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
#[account(constraint = token_y.key() == pool.load()?.token_y @ InvalidTokenAccount, mint::token_program = token_y_program)]
pub token_y: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
constraint = account_x.mint == token_x.key() @ InvalidMint,
constraint = &account_x.owner == owner.key @ InvalidOwner,
token::token_program = token_x_program,
pub account_x: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>>,
constraint = account_y.mint == token_y.key() @ InvalidMint,
constraint = &account_y.owner == owner.key @ InvalidOwner,
token::token_program = token_y_program,
pub account_y: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>>,
constraint = reserve_x.mint == token_x.key() @ InvalidMint,
constraint = &reserve_x.owner == program_authority.key @ InvalidOwner,
constraint = reserve_x.key() == pool.load()?.token_x_reserve @ InvalidTokenAccount,
token::token_program = token_x_program,
pub reserve_x: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>>,
constraint = reserve_y.mint == token_y.key() @ InvalidMint,
constraint = &reserve_y.owner == program_authority.key @ InvalidOwner,
constraint = reserve_y.key() == pool.load()?.token_y_reserve @ InvalidTokenAccount,
token::token_program = token_y_program,
pub reserve_y: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>>,
#[account(constraint = &state.load()?.authority == program_authority.key @ InvalidAuthority)]
/// CHECK: ignore
pub program_authority: AccountInfo<'info>,
#[account(constraint = token_x_program.key() == token::ID || token_x_program.key() == token_2022::ID)]
pub token_x_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,
#[account(constraint = token_y_program.key() == token::ID || token_y_program.key() == token_2022::ID)]
pub token_y_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,
pub rent: Sysvar<'info, Rent>,
#[account(address = system_program::ID)]
/// CHECK: ignore
pub system_program: AccountInfo<'info>,
/// CHECK: Accounts used for RPC calls optimization
#[account(address = Pubkey::find_program_address(&[b"eventoptaccv1"], __program_id).0)]
pub event_opt_acc: AccountInfo<'info>,
Context Params
Name | Type | Description |
lower_tick_index | i32 | Index of the lower tick for the position. |
upper_tick_index | i32 | Index of the upper tick for the position. |
Name | Type | Description |
state | State | Account of the protocols state. |
position_list | PositionList | Account of the position owner's position list. |
position | Position | Position account that will be created. |
pool | Pool | Account of the pool on which the position should be created. |
lower_tick | Tick | Account of the Tick corresponding to lower tick index of the position. |
upper_tick | Tick | Account of the Tick corresponding to upper tick index of the position. |
tickmap | Tickmap | Tickmap account for the pool. |
owner | Singer | Account of the position list owner. |
signer | Signer | Account of transaction signer. |
token_x_program | TokenInterface | Token X associated program account. |
token_y_program | TokenInterface | Token Y associated program account. |
reserve_x | TokenAccount | Pool's token X associated token account. |
reserve_y | TokenAccount | Pool's token Y associated token account. |
account_x | TokenAccount | Users's token X associated token account. |
account_y | TokenAccount | Users's token Y associated token account. |
token_x | Mint | Token X mint account. |
token_y | Mint | Token Y mint account. |
program_authority | AccountInfo | Protocol authority account. |
rent | Sysvar<'info, Rent> | Rent account. |
system_program | AccountInfo | System program account. |
Code | Description |
WrongTick | Tick account doesn't match the tick index on the position. |
InvalidTickmap | Tickmap doesn't match pools tickmap. |
InvalidTickmapOwner | Tickmap owned by wrong account. |
InvalidTokenAccount | Provided token mint is incorrect or reserve account doesn't match pool reserves. |
InvalidMint | Provided token accounts mint doesn't match provided mint. |
InvalidOwner | Provided token account doesn't belong to position owner. |
InvalidAuthority | Provided authority is invalid or provided token account doesn't belong to authority. |
InvalidTokenProgram | Invalid token program for provided token account. |
InvalidTickIndex | Initial tick not divisible by spacing or outside of size limit or price limit. |
PriceLimitReached | Slippage limit reached. |
Removes position specified by the index. Index is based on all user positions.
pub fn remove_position(
ctx: Context<RemovePosition>,
index: u32,
lower_tick_index: i32,
upper_tick_index: i32,
) -> Result<()> {
.handler(index, lower_tick_index, upper_tick_index)
Entrypoint Params
Name | Type | Description |
index | i32 | Index of the position to remove. |
lower_tick_index | i32 | Index of the lower tick for the position. |
upper_tick_index | i32 | Index of the upper tick for the position. |
#[instruction(index: i32, lower_tick_index: i32, upper_tick_index: i32)]
pub struct RemovePosition<'info> {
#[account(seeds = [b"statev1".as_ref()], bump = state.load()?.bump)]
pub state: AccountLoader<'info, State>,
seeds = [b"positionv1",
bump = removed_position.load()?.bump
pub removed_position: AccountLoader<'info, Position>,
seeds = [b"positionlistv1", owner.key().as_ref()],
bump = position_list.load()?.bump
pub position_list: AccountLoader<'info, PositionList>,
close = payer,
seeds = [b"positionv1",
&(position_list.load()?.head - 1).to_le_bytes()],
bump = last_position.load()?.bump
pub last_position: AccountLoader<'info, Position>,
seeds = [b"poolv1", token_x.key().as_ref(), token_y.key().as_ref(), &pool.load()?.fee.v.to_le_bytes(), &pool.load()?.tick_spacing.to_le_bytes()],
bump = pool.load()?.bump
pub pool: AccountLoader<'info, Pool>,
constraint = tickmap.key() == pool.load()?.tickmap @ InvalidTickmap,
constraint = tickmap.to_account_info().owner == __program_id @ InvalidTickmapOwner,
pub tickmap: AccountLoader<'info, Tickmap>,
seeds = [b"tickv1", pool.key().as_ref(), &lower_tick_index.to_le_bytes()],
bump = lower_tick.load()?.bump,
constraint = lower_tick_index == removed_position.load()?.lower_tick_index @ WrongTick
pub lower_tick: AccountLoader<'info, Tick>,
seeds = [b"tickv1", pool.key().as_ref(), &upper_tick_index.to_le_bytes()],
bump = upper_tick.load()?.bump,
constraint = upper_tick_index == removed_position.load()?.upper_tick_index @ WrongTick
pub upper_tick: AccountLoader<'info, Tick>,
pub payer: Signer<'info>,
pub owner: Signer<'info>,
#[account(constraint = token_x.key() == pool.load()?.token_x @ InvalidTokenAccount, mint::token_program = token_x_program)]
pub token_x: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
#[account(constraint = token_y.key() == pool.load()?.token_y @ InvalidTokenAccount, mint::token_program = token_y_program)]
pub token_y: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
constraint = account_x.mint == token_x.key() @ InvalidMint,
constraint = &account_x.owner == owner.key @ InvalidOwner,
token::token_program = token_x_program
pub account_x: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>>,
constraint = account_y.mint == token_y.key() @ InvalidMint,
constraint = &account_y.owner == owner.key @ InvalidOwner,
token::token_program = token_y_program
pub account_y: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>>,
constraint = reserve_x.mint == token_x.key() @ InvalidMint,
constraint = &reserve_x.owner == program_authority.key @ InvalidAuthority,
constraint = reserve_x.key() == pool.load()?.token_x_reserve @ InvalidTokenAccount,
token::token_program = token_x_program
pub reserve_x: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>>,
constraint = reserve_y.mint == token_y.key() @ InvalidMint,
constraint = &reserve_y.owner == program_authority.key @ InvalidAuthority,
constraint = reserve_y.key() == pool.load()?.token_y_reserve @ InvalidTokenAccount,
token::token_program = token_y_program
pub reserve_y: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>>,
#[account(constraint = &state.load()?.authority == program_authority.key @ InvalidAuthority)]
/// CHECK: Ignore
pub program_authority: AccountInfo<'info>,
#[account(constraint = token_x_program.key() == token::ID || token_x_program.key() == token_2022::ID)]
pub token_x_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,
#[account(constraint = token_y_program.key() == token::ID || token_y_program.key() == token_2022::ID)]
pub token_y_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,
/// CHECK: Accounts used for RPC calls optimization
#[account(address = Pubkey::find_program_address(&[b"eventoptaccv1"], __program_id).0)]
pub event_opt_acc: AccountInfo<'info>,
Context Params
Name | Type | Description |
index | i32 | Index of the removed position on position list. |
lower_tick_index | i32 | Index of the lower tick for the position. |
upper_tick_index | i32 | Index of the upper tick for the position. |
Name | Type | Description |
state | State | Account of the protocols state. |
position_list | PositionList | Account of the position owner's position list. |
position | Position | Position account that will be removed. |
pool | Pool | Account of the pool from which the position should be removed. |
lower_tick | Tick | Account of the Tick corresponding to lower tick index of the position. |
upper_tick | Tick | Account of the Tick corresponding to upper tick index of the position. |
tickmap | Tickmap | Tickmap account for the pool. |
owner | Singer | Account of the position list owner. |
signer | Signer | Account of transaction signer. |
token_x_program | TokenInterface | Token X associated program account. |
token_y_program | TokenInterface | Token Y associated program account. |
reserve_x | TokenAccount | Pool's token X associated token account. |
reserve_y | TokenAccount | Pool's token Y associated token account. |
account_x | TokenAccount | Users's token X associated token account. |
account_y | TokenAccount | Users's token Y associated token account. |
token_x | Mint | Token X mint account. |
token_y | Mint | Token Y mint account. |
removed_position | Position | Position that will be removed. |
last_position | Position | Last position of the users list. |
program_authority | AccountInfo | Protocol authority account. |
event_opt_acc | AccountInfo | Empty account used for optimizing event queries. |
Code | Description |
WrongTick | Tick account doesn't match the tick index on the position. |
InvalidTickmap | Tickmap doesn't match pools tickmap. |
InvalidTickmapOwner | Tickmap owned by wrong account. |
InvalidTokenAccount | Provided token mint is incorrect or reserve account doesn't match pool reserves. |
InvalidMint | Provided token accounts mint doesn't match provided mint. |
InvalidOwner | Provided token account doesn't belong to position owner. |
InvalidAuthority | Provided authority is invalid or provided token account doesn't belong to authority. |
InvalidTokenProgram | Invalid token program for provided token account. |
InvalidTickIndex | Initial tick not divisible by spacing or outside of size limit or price limit. |
Performs a swap w specified parameters.
pub fn swap<'info>(
ctx: Context<'_, '_, 'info, 'info, Swap<'info>>,
x_to_y: bool,
amount: u64,
by_amount_in: bool,
sqrt_price_limit: u128,
) -> Result<()> {
Swap::handler(ctx, x_to_y, amount, by_amount_in, sqrt_price_limit)
Entrypoint Params
Name | Type | Description |
x_to_y | bool | Specifies the direction of the swap. |
amount | u64 | Amount of tokens you want to receive or give. |
by_amount_in | bool | Indicates whether the entered amount represents the tokens you wish to receive or give. |
sqrt_price_limit | Price | If the swap achieves this square root of the price, it will be canceled. |
pub struct Swap<'info> {
#[account(seeds = [b"statev1".as_ref()], bump = state.load()?.bump)]
pub state: AccountLoader<'info, State>,
seeds = [b"poolv1", account_x.mint.as_ref(), account_y.mint.as_ref(), &pool.load()?.fee.v.to_le_bytes(), &pool.load()?.tick_spacing.to_le_bytes()],
bump = pool.load()?.bump
pub pool: AccountLoader<'info, Pool>,
constraint = tickmap.to_account_info().key == &pool.load()?.tickmap @ InvalidTickmap,
constraint = tickmap.to_account_info().owner == __program_id @ InvalidTickmapOwner
pub tickmap: AccountLoader<'info, Tickmap>,
#[account(constraint = token_x.key() == pool.load()?.token_x @ InvalidTokenAccount, mint::token_program = token_x_program)]
pub token_x: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>>,
#[account(constraint = token_y.key() == pool.load()?.token_y @ InvalidTokenAccount, mint::token_program = token_y_program)]
pub token_y: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>>,
constraint = &account_x.owner == owner.key @ InvalidOwner,
token::token_program = token_x_program,
pub account_x: InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>,
constraint = &account_y.owner == owner.key @ InvalidOwner,
token::token_program = token_y_program
pub account_y: InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>,
constraint = reserve_x.mint == account_x.mint @ InvalidMint,
constraint = &reserve_x.owner == program_authority.key @ InvalidAuthority,
constraint = reserve_x.to_account_info().key == &pool.load()?.token_x_reserve @ InvalidTokenAccount,
token::token_program = token_x_program
pub reserve_x: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>>,
constraint = reserve_y.mint == account_y.mint @ InvalidMint,
constraint = &reserve_y.owner == program_authority.key @ InvalidAuthority,
constraint = reserve_y.to_account_info().key == &pool.load()?.token_y_reserve @ InvalidTokenAccount,
token::token_program = token_y_program
pub reserve_y: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>>,
pub owner: Signer<'info>,
#[account(constraint = &state.load()?.authority == program_authority.key @ InvalidAuthority)]
/// CHECK: Ignore
pub program_authority: AccountInfo<'info>,
#[account(constraint = token_x_program.key() == token::ID || token_x_program.key() == token_2022::ID)]
pub token_x_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,
#[account(constraint = token_y_program.key() == token::ID || token_y_program.key() == token_2022::ID)]
pub token_y_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,
Name | Type | Description |
state | State | Account of the protocols state. |
pool | Pool | Account of the pool on which the position should be created. |
tickmap | Tickmap | Tickmap account for the pool. |
owner | Signer | Account of transaction signer. |
token_x_program | TokenInterface | Token X associated program account. |
token_y_program | TokenInterface | Token Y associated program account. |
reserve_x | TokenAccount | Pool's token X associated token account. |
reserve_y | TokenAccount | Pool's token Y associated token account. |
account_x | TokenAccount | Users's token X associated token account. |
account_y | TokenAccount | Users's token Y associated token account. |
token_x | Mint | Token X mint account. |
token_y | Mint | Token Y mint account. |
program_authority | AccountInfo | Protocol authority account. |
remaining_accounts | Vec\<AccountInfo> | Tick account addresses that could be used in the swap. |
event_opt_acc | AccountInfo | Empty account used for optimizing event queries. |
Code | Description |
InvalidTickmap | Tickmap doesn't match pools tickmap. |
InvalidTickmapOwner | Tickmap owned by wrong account. |
InvalidTokenAccount | Provided token mint is incorrect or reserve account doesn't match pool reserves. |
InvalidMint | Provided token accounts mint doesn't match provided mint. |
InvalidOwner | Provided token account doesn't belong to position owner. |
InvalidAuthority | Provided authority is invalid or provided token account doesn't belong to authority. |
InvalidTokenProgram | Invalid token program for provided token account. |
ZeroAmount | Input amount is 0. |
NoGainSwap | Output amount is 0. |
WrongLimit | Price limit is on the wrong side of the current price. |
PriceLimitReached | Price limit reached before acquiring the desired amount. |
LimitReached | Tick limit reached before acquiring the desired amount. |
TickNotFound | Tick account is missing from remaining accounts. |
*Additionally an error indicating that account wasn't found may appear if the tick accounts that would be used in the swap are missing from remaining accounts.
Transfers position from one account to another.
pub fn transfer_position_ownership(
ctx: Context<TransferPositionOwnership>,
index: u32,
) -> Result<()> {
ctx.accounts.handler(index, ctx.bumps.new_position)
Entrypoint Params
Name | Type | Description |
index | u32 | Index of the transferred position. |
#[instruction( index: u32)]
pub struct TransferPositionOwnership<'info> {
seeds = [b"positionlistv1", owner.key().as_ref()],
bump = owner_list.load()?.bump
pub owner_list: AccountLoader<'info, PositionList>,
seeds = [b"positionlistv1", recipient.key().as_ref()],
bump = recipient_list.load()?.bump,
constraint = recipient_list.key() != owner_list.key() @ InvalidListOwner
pub recipient_list: AccountLoader<'info, PositionList>,
seeds = [b"positionv1",
bump, payer = payer,
space = Position::LEN
pub new_position: AccountLoader<'info, Position>,
seeds = [b"positionv1",
bump = removed_position.load()?.bump,
pub removed_position: AccountLoader<'info, Position>,
close = payer,
seeds = [b"positionv1",
&(owner_list.load()?.head - 1).to_le_bytes()],
bump = last_position.load()?.bump
pub last_position: AccountLoader<'info, Position>,
pub payer: Signer<'info>,
pub owner: Signer<'info>,
/// CHECK: Ignore
pub recipient: AccountInfo<'info>,
pub rent: Sysvar<'info, Rent>,
#[account(address = system_program::ID)]
/// CHECK: Ignore
pub system_program: AccountInfo<'info>,
Name | Type | Description |
owner_list | PositionList | Account of transferred position owners position list. |
recipient_list | PositionList | Account of position recipients position list. |
owner | Signer | Account of transferred position owner. |
payer | Signer | Account of transaction signer. |
removed_position | Position | Transferred position. |
new_position | Position | Empty position account the address which should match new position address for recipients position list. |
rent | Sysvar<'info, Rent> | Rent account. |
system_program | AccountInfo | System program account. |
Code | Description |
InvalidListOwner | Position list doesn't belong to the position owner. |
Updates seconds per liquidity parameter for a position (used with farms).
pub fn update_seconds_per_liquidity(
ctx: Context<UpdateSecondsPerLiquidity>,
_lower_tick_index: i32,
_upper_tick_index: i32,
_index: i32,
) -> Result<()> {
Entrypoint Params
Name | Type | Description |
index | i32 | Index of the updated position on position list. |
lower_tick_index | i32 | Index of the lower tick for the position. |
upper_tick_index | i32 | Index of the upper tick for the position. |
#[instruction(lower_tick_index: i32, upper_tick_index: i32, index: i32)]
pub struct UpdateSecondsPerLiquidity<'info> {
seeds = [b"poolv1", token_x.key().as_ref(), token_y.key().as_ref(), &pool.load()?.fee.v.to_le_bytes(), &pool.load()?.tick_spacing.to_le_bytes()],
bump = pool.load()?.bump
pub pool: AccountLoader<'info, Pool>,
seeds = [b"tickv1", pool.key().as_ref(), &lower_tick_index.to_le_bytes()],
bump = lower_tick.load()?.bump,
constraint = lower_tick_index == position.load()?.lower_tick_index @ WrongTick
pub lower_tick: AccountLoader<'info, Tick>,
seeds = [b"tickv1", pool.key().as_ref(), &upper_tick_index.to_le_bytes()],
bump = upper_tick.load()?.bump,
constraint = upper_tick_index == position.load()?.upper_tick_index @ WrongTick
pub upper_tick: AccountLoader<'info, Tick>,
seeds = [b"positionv1",
bump = position.load()?.bump
pub position: AccountLoader<'info, Position>,
#[account(constraint = token_x.key() == pool.load()?.token_x @ InvalidTokenAccount)]
pub token_x: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
#[account(constraint = token_y.key() == pool.load()?.token_y @ InvalidTokenAccount)]
pub token_y: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
/// CHECK: Ignore
pub owner: AccountInfo<'info>,
pub signer: Signer<'info>,
pub rent: Sysvar<'info, Rent>,
#[account(address = system_program::ID)]
/// CHECK: Ignore
pub system_program: AccountInfo<'info>,
Context Params
Name | Type | Description |
index | i32 | Index of the updated position on position list. |
lower_tick_index | i32 | Index of the lower tick for the position. |
upper_tick_index | i32 | Index of the upper tick for the position. |
Name | Type | Description |
pool | Pool | Pool on which the position exists. |
lower_tick | Tick | Lower tick account for the position. |
upper_tick | Tick | Upper tick account for the position. |
position | Position | Position to update. |
token_x | Mint | Token X's mint account. |
token_y | Mint | Token Y's mint account. |
owner | AccountInfo | Account of the position owner. |
signer | Signer | Account of the signer. |
rent | Sysvar<'info, Rent> | Rent account. |
system_program | AccountInfo | System program account. |
Code | Description |
WrongTick | Tick account doesn't match the tick index on the position. |
InvalidTokenAccount | Provided token mint is incorrect or reserve account doesn't match pool reserves. |
InvalidTickIndex | Initial tick not divisible by spacing or outside of size limit or price limit. |
InvalidTokenProgram | Invalid token program for provided token account. |
#[access_control(receiver(&ctx.accounts.pool, &ctx.accounts.authority))]
pub fn withdraw_protocol_fee(ctx: Context<WithdrawProtocolFee>) -> Result<()> {
pub struct WithdrawProtocolFee<'info> {
#[account(seeds = [b"statev1".as_ref()], bump = state.load()?.bump)]
pub state: AccountLoader<'info, State>,
seeds = [b"poolv1", token_x.key().as_ref(), token_y.key().as_ref(), &pool.load()?.fee.v.to_le_bytes(), &pool.load()?.tick_spacing.to_le_bytes()],
bump = pool.load()?.bump
pub pool: AccountLoader<'info, Pool>,
#[account(constraint = token_x.key() == pool.load()?.token_x @ InvalidTokenAccount, mint::token_program = token_x_program)]
pub token_x: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
#[account(constraint = token_y.key() == pool.load()?.token_y @ InvalidTokenAccount, mint::token_program = token_y_program)]
pub token_y: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
constraint = account_x.mint == token_x.key() @ InvalidMint,
token::token_program = token_x_program,
pub account_x: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>>,
constraint = account_y.mint == token_y.key() @ InvalidMint,
token::token_program = token_y_program,
pub account_y: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>>,
constraint = reserve_x.mint == token_x.key() @ InvalidMint,
constraint = &reserve_x.owner == program_authority.key @ InvalidAuthority,
constraint = reserve_x.key() == pool.load()?.token_x_reserve @ InvalidTokenAccount,
token::token_program = token_x_program
pub reserve_x: InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>,
constraint = reserve_y.mint == token_y.key() @ InvalidMint,
constraint = &reserve_y.owner == program_authority.key @ InvalidAuthority,
constraint = reserve_y.key() == pool.load()?.token_y_reserve @ InvalidTokenAccount,
token::token_program = token_y_program,
pub reserve_y: InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>,
#[account(constraint = &pool.load()?.fee_receiver == authority.key @ InvalidAuthority)]
pub authority: Signer<'info>,
#[account(constraint = &state.load()?.authority == program_authority.key @ InvalidAuthority)]
/// CHECK: Ignore
pub program_authority: AccountInfo<'info>,
#[account(constraint = token_x_program.key() == token::ID || token_x_program.key() == token_2022::ID)]
pub token_x_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,
#[account(constraint = token_y_program.key() == token::ID || token_y_program.key() == token_2022::ID)]
pub token_y_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,
Name | Type | Description |
state | State | Account of the protocols state. |
pool | Pool | Account of the pool from which the fee will be withdrawn. |
token_x_program | TokenInterface | Token X associated program account. |
token_y_program | TokenInterface | Token Y associated program account. |
reserve_x | TokenAccount | Pool's token X associated token account. |
reserve_y | TokenAccount | Pool's token Y associated token account. |
account_x | TokenAccount | Users's token X associated token account. |
account_y | TokenAccount | Users's token Y associated token account. |
token_x | Mint | Token X mint account. |
token_y | Mint | Token Y mint account. |
authority | Signer | Account of transaction signer, must be admin. |
program_authority | AccountInfo | Protocol authority account. |
Code | Description |
InvalidTokenAccount | Provided token mint is incorrect or reserve account doesn't match pool reserves. |
InvalidMint | Provided token accounts mint doesn't match provided mint. |
InvalidOwner | Provided token account doesn't belong to position owner. |
InvalidAuthority | Provided authority or withdraw authority is invalid or provided token account doesn't belong to authority. |
InvalidTickIndex | Initial tick not divisible by spacing or outside of size limit or price limit. |
InvalidTokenProgram | Invalid token program for provided token account. |
Claims fee from the specified position.
pub fn claim_fee(
ctx: Context<ClaimFee>,
_index: u32,
_lower_tick_index: i32,
_upper_tick_index: i32,
) -> Result<()> {
Entrypoint Params
Name | Type | Description |
index | i32 | Index of the position from which the fee will be claimed. |
lower_tick_index | i32 | Index of the lower tick for the position. |
upper_tick_index | i32 | Index of the upper tick for the position. |
#[instruction(index: u32, lower_tick_index: i32, upper_tick_index: i32)]
pub struct ClaimFee<'info> {
#[account(seeds = [b"statev1".as_ref()], bump = state.load()?.bump)]
pub state: AccountLoader<'info, State>,
seeds = [b"poolv1", token_x.key().as_ref(), token_y.key().as_ref(), &pool.load()?.fee.v.to_le_bytes(), &pool.load()?.tick_spacing.to_le_bytes()],
bump = pool.load()?.bump
pub pool: AccountLoader<'info, Pool>,
seeds = [b"positionv1",
bump = position.load()?.bump
pub position: AccountLoader<'info, Position>,
seeds = [b"tickv1", pool.key().as_ref(), &lower_tick_index.to_le_bytes()],
bump = lower_tick.load()?.bump,
constraint = lower_tick_index == position.load()?.lower_tick_index @ WrongTick
pub lower_tick: AccountLoader<'info, Tick>,
seeds = [b"tickv1", pool.key().as_ref(), &upper_tick_index.to_le_bytes()],
bump = upper_tick.load()?.bump,
constraint = upper_tick_index == position.load()?.upper_tick_index @ WrongTick
pub upper_tick: AccountLoader<'info, Tick>,
pub owner: Signer<'info>,
#[account(constraint = token_x.key() == pool.load()?.token_x @ InvalidTokenAccount, mint::token_program = token_x_program)]
pub token_x: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
#[account(constraint = token_y.key() == pool.load()?.token_y @ InvalidTokenAccount, mint::token_program = token_y_program)]
pub token_y: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
constraint = account_x.mint == token_x.key() @ InvalidMint,
constraint = &account_x.owner == owner.key @ InvalidOwner,
token::token_program = token_x_program
pub account_x: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>>,
constraint = account_y.mint == token_y.key() @ InvalidMint,
constraint = &account_y.owner == owner.key @ InvalidOwner,
token::token_program = token_y_program
pub account_y: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>>,
constraint = reserve_x.mint == token_x.key() @ InvalidMint,
constraint = &reserve_x.owner == program_authority.key @ InvalidAuthority,
constraint = reserve_x.key() == pool.load()?.token_x_reserve @ InvalidTokenAccount,
token::token_program = token_x_program,
pub reserve_x: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>>,
constraint = reserve_y.mint == token_y.key() @ InvalidMint,
constraint = &reserve_y.owner == program_authority.key @ InvalidAuthority,
constraint = reserve_y.key() == pool.load()?.token_y_reserve @ InvalidTokenAccount,
token::token_program = token_y_program,
pub reserve_y: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>>,
#[account(constraint = &state.load()?.authority == program_authority.key @ InvalidAuthority)]
/// CHECK: ignore
pub program_authority: AccountInfo<'info>,
#[account(constraint = token_x_program.key() == token::ID || token_x_program.key() == token_2022::ID)]
pub token_x_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,
#[account(constraint = token_y_program.key() == token::ID || token_y_program.key() == token_2022::ID)]
pub token_y_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,
Context Params
Name | Type | Description |
index | i32 | Index of the position from which the fee will be claimed. |
lower_tick_index | i32 | Index of the lower tick for the position. |
upper_tick_index | i32 | Index of the upper tick for the position. |
Name | Type | Description |
state | State | Account of the protocols state. |
pool | Pool | Account of the pool on which the position exists. |
position | Position | Position to claim fee from. |
lower_tick | Tick | Lower tick account for the position. |
upper_tick | Tick | Upper tick account for the position. |
token_x_program | TokenInterface | Token X associated program account. |
token_y_program | TokenInterface | Token Y associated program account. |
reserve_x | TokenAccount | Pool's token X associated token account. |
reserve_y | TokenAccount | Pool's token Y associated token account. |
account_x | TokenAccount | Users's token X associated token account. |
account_y | TokenAccount | Users's token Y associated token account. |
token_x | Mint | Token X mint account. |
token_y | Mint | Token Y mint account. |
owner | Signer | Account of transaction signer, must be the position owner. |
program_authority | AccountInfo | Protocol authority account. |
Code | Description |
WrongTick | Tick account doesn't match the tick index on the position. |
InvalidTokenAccount | Provided token mint is incorrect or reserve account doesn't match pool reserves. |
InvalidMint | Provided token accounts mint doesn't match provided mint. |
InvalidOwner | Provided token account doesn't belong to position owner. |
InvalidAuthority | Provided authority is invalid or provided token account doesn't belong to authority. |
InvalidTickIndex | Initial tick not divisible by spacing or outside of size limit or price limit. |
InvalidTokenProgram | Invalid token program for provided token account. |
Changes the receiver of the protocol fee for a pool. Admin only.
#[access_control(admin(&ctx.accounts.state, &ctx.accounts.admin))]
pub fn change_fee_receiver(ctx: Context<ChangeFeeReceiver>) -> Result<()> {
pub struct ChangeFeeReceiver<'info> {
#[account(seeds = [b"statev1".as_ref()], bump = state.load()?.bump)]
pub state: AccountLoader<'info, State>,
seeds = [b"poolv1", token_x.to_account_info().key.as_ref(), token_y.to_account_info().key.as_ref(), &pool.load()?.fee.v.to_le_bytes(), &pool.load()?.tick_spacing.to_le_bytes()],
bump = pool.load()?.bump
pub pool: AccountLoader<'info, Pool>,
#[account(constraint = token_x.to_account_info().key == &pool.load()?.token_x @ InvalidTokenAccount) ]
pub token_x: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
#[account(constraint = token_y.to_account_info().key == &pool.load()?.token_y @ InvalidTokenAccount)]
pub token_y: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
#[account(constraint = &state.load()?.admin == admin.key @ InvalidAdmin)]
pub admin: Signer<'info>,
/// CHECK: Ignore
pub fee_receiver: AccountInfo<'info>,
Name | Type | Description |
state | State | Account of the protocols state. |
pool | Pool | Account of the pool on which the fee receiver will be changed. |
token_x | Mint | Token X mint account. |
token_y | Mint | Token Y mint account. |
admin | Signer | Account of transaction signer, must be admin. |
fee_receiver | AccountInfo | Account that will be authorized to receive the protocol fee from the pool. |
Code | Description |
InvalidTokenAccount | Provided token account does not belong to the expected token. |
InvalidAdmin | Provided admin is invalid. |
Changes the protocol fee for a pool. Admin only.
#[access_control(receiver(&ctx.accounts.pool, &ctx.accounts.admin))]
pub fn change_protocol_fee(
ctx: Context<ChangeProtocolFee>,
protocol_fee: FixedPoint,
) -> Result<()> {
Entrypoint Params
Name | Type | Description |
protocol_fee | FixedPoint | New value of the protocol fee. |
pub struct ChangeProtocolFee<'info> {
#[account(seeds = [b"statev1".as_ref()], bump = state.load()?.bump )]
pub state: AccountLoader<'info, State>,
seeds = [b"poolv1", token_x.to_account_info().key.as_ref(), token_y.to_account_info().key.as_ref(), &pool.load()?.fee.v.to_le_bytes(), &pool.load()?.tick_spacing.to_le_bytes()],
bump = pool.load()?.bump
pub pool: AccountLoader<'info, Pool>,
#[account(constraint = token_x.to_account_info().key == &pool.load()?.token_x @ InvalidTokenAccount) ]
pub token_x: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
#[account(constraint = token_y.to_account_info().key == &pool.load()?.token_y @ InvalidTokenAccount)]
pub token_y: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
#[account(constraint = &state.load()?.admin == admin.key @ InvalidAdmin)]
pub admin: Signer<'info>,
#[account(constraint = &state.load()?.authority == program_authority.key @ InvalidAuthority)]
/// CHECK: Ignore
pub program_authority: AccountInfo<'info>,
Name | Type | Description |
state | State | Account of the protocols state. |
pool | Pool | Account of the pool for which the protocol fee will change. |
token_x | Mint | Token X mint account. |
token_y | Mint | Token Y mint account. |
admin | Signer | Account of transaction signer, must be admin. |
program_authority | AccountInfo | Program authority account. |
Code | Description |
InvalidTokenAccount | Provided token account does not belong to the expected token. |
InvalidAuthority | Provided authority is invalid. |
InvalidAdmin | Provided admin is invalid. |
InvalidProtocolFee | Protocol fee is outside acceptable range (10^12 - 0). |
Initialize oracle for the pool. Oracles don't work yet.
pub fn initialize_oracle(ctx: Context<InitializeOracle>) -> Result<()> {
pub struct InitializeOracle<'info> {
seeds = [b"poolv1", token_x.key().as_ref(), token_y.key().as_ref(), &pool.load()?.fee.v.to_le_bytes(), &pool.load()?.tick_spacing.to_le_bytes()],
bump = pool.load()?.bump
pub pool: AccountLoader<'info, Pool>,
pub oracle: AccountLoader<'info, Oracle>,
#[account(constraint = token_x.key() == pool.load()?.token_x @ InvalidTokenAccount)]
pub token_x: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>>,
#[account(constraint = token_y.key() == pool.load()?.token_y @ InvalidTokenAccount)]
pub token_y: Box<InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>>,
pub payer: Signer<'info>,
pub rent: Sysvar<'info, Rent>,
#[account(address = system_program::ID)]
/// CHECK: Ignore
pub system_program: AccountInfo<'info>,
Name | Type | Description |
pool | Pool | Account of the pool for which the oracle will be initialized. |
oracle | Oracle | Oracle that will be initialized. |
token_x | Mint | Token X mint account. |
token_y | Mint | Token Y mint account. |
payer | Signer | Account of transaction signer. |
rent | Sysvar<'info, Rent> | System rent account. |
system_program | AccountInfo | Solana system program. |
Code | Description |
OracleAlreadyInitialized | Oracle was already initialized. |
InvalidTokenAccount | Mint account address doesn't match the pool tokens. |