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Invariant Errors

pub enum ErrorCode {
#[msg("Amount is zero")]
ZeroAmount = 0, // 1770
#[msg("Output would be zero")]
ZeroOutput = 1, // 1771
#[msg("Not the expected tick")]
WrongTick = 2, // 1772
#[msg("Price limit is on the wrong side of price")]
WrongLimit = 3, // 1773
#[msg("Tick index not divisible by spacing or over limit")]
InvalidTickIndex = 4, // 1774
#[msg("Invalid tick_lower or tick_upper")]
InvalidTickInterval = 5, // 1775
#[msg("There is no more tick in that direction")]
NoMoreTicks = 6, // 1776
#[msg("Correct tick not found in context")]
TickNotFound = 7, // 1777
#[msg("Price would cross swap limit")]
PriceLimitReached = 8, // 1778
#[msg("Invalid tick liquidity")]
InvalidTickLiquidity = 9, // 1779
#[msg("Disable empty position pokes")]
EmptyPositionPokes = 10, // 177a
#[msg("Invalid position liquidity")]
InvalidPositionLiquidity = 11, // 177b
#[msg("Invalid pool liquidity")]
InvalidPoolLiquidity = 12, // 177c
#[msg("Invalid position index")]
InvalidPositionIndex = 13, // 177d
#[msg("Position liquidity would be zero")]
PositionWithoutLiquidity = 14, // 177e
#[msg("You are not admin")]
Unauthorized = 15, // 177f
#[msg("Invalid pool token addresses")]
InvalidPoolTokenAddresses = 16, // 1780
#[msg("Time cannot be negative")]
NegativeTime = 17, // 1781
#[msg("Oracle is already initialized")]
OracleAlreadyInitialized = 18, // 1782
#[msg("Absolute price limit was reached")]
LimitReached = 19, // 1783
#[msg("Invalid protocol fee")]
InvalidProtocolFee = 20, // 1784
#[msg("Swap amount out is 0")]
NoGainSwap = 21, // 1785
#[msg("Provided token account is different than expected")]
InvalidTokenAccount = 22, // 1786
#[msg("Admin address is different than expected")]
InvalidAdmin = 23, // 1787
#[msg("Provided authority is different than expected")]
InvalidAuthority = 24, // 1788
#[msg("Provided token owner is different than expected")]
InvalidOwner = 25, // 1789
#[msg("Provided token account mint is different than expected mint token")]
InvalidMint = 26, // 178a
#[msg("Provided tickmap is different than expected")]
InvalidTickmap = 27, // 178b
#[msg("Provided tickmap owner is different than program ID")]
InvalidTickmapOwner = 28, // 178c
#[msg("Recipient list address and owner list address should be different")]
InvalidListOwner = 29, // 178d
#[msg("Invalid tick spacing")]
InvalidTickSpacing = 30, // 178e
#[msg("Invalid token program")]
InvalidTokenProgram = 31, // 178f
#[msg("Invalid init sqrt price")]
InvalidInitSqrtPrice = 32, // 1790
#[msg("Transfer position is disabled for this pool")]
DisabledPool = 33, // 1791