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Minting a Position

After pool creation you can create position (see

You will learn how to create a new liquidity position, add liquidity, and then remove liquidity in this guide.

Declare first-position props at the start.

const props: InitPoolAndPosition = {
pair: Pair,
owner: PublicKey,
userTokenX: PublicKey,
userTokenY: PublicKey,
lowerTick: number,
upperTick: number,
liquidityDelta: Decimal,
initTick: number,
knownPrice: Decimal,
slippage: Decimal

Pair is a two-token structure with a corresponding fee tier.

pair = new Pair(tokens[0].publicKey, tokens[1].publicKey, feeTier)

To get and choose suitable feeTier, see FEE_TIER constant, i.e.

const FEE_TIERS: FeeTier[] = [
{ fee: fromFee(new BN(1)) },
{ fee: fromFee(new BN(10)) },
{ fee: fromFee(new BN(50)) },
{ fee: fromFee(new BN(100)) },
{ fee: fromFee(new BN(300)) },
{ fee: fromFee(new BN(1000)) }

This fee tiers correspond to percentages: 0.01%, 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.3%, 1%.

Following that declaration, call to initialize Pool and Position.

await market.initPoolAndPosition(props, owner)

owner refers to the public key linked with the keypair. To add more liquidity, you must also open a second position on the same keypair.

To remove a position, declare props as follows:

const removePositionVars: RemovePosition = {
pair: Pair,
owner: PublicKey,
index: number, //index of position for specific pool
userTokenX: userTokenXAccount,
userTokenY: userTokenYAccount

To fetch list of all your positions and and get index of specific position use function.

getPositionList(owner: PublicKey)

After that make use of function

await market.removePosition(removePositionVars, positionOwner)