To make adding, removing and finding all users position more clear, we create PositionList
structure which helps to dynamically menage users positions.
pub struct PositionList {
pub head: u32,
pub bump: u8,
Parameter head
is just a number of users active position. When a new position is added to the list, the argument head increases, and when a position is removed, the argument decreases.
pub struct Position {
pub owner: Pubkey,
pub pool: Pubkey,
pub id: u128, // unique inside pool
pub liquidity: Liquidity,
pub lower_tick_index: i32,
pub upper_tick_index: i32,
pub fee_growth_inside_x: FeeGrowth,
pub fee_growth_inside_y: FeeGrowth,
pub seconds_per_liquidity_inside: FixedPoint,
pub last_slot: u64,
pub tokens_owed_x: FixedPoint,
pub tokens_owed_y: FixedPoint,
pub bump: u8,
In SDK there are some useful functions, which allows to add, remove and fetch positions in a constant time due to the structure of PositionList.
To init new position firstly se InitPosition
interface as follow:
const initPositionVars: InitPosition = {
pair: Pair,
owner: PublicKey,
userTokenX: PublicKey,
userTokenY: PublicKey,
lowerTick: number,
upperTick: number,
liquidityDelta: Decimal,
knownPrice: Decimal,
slippage: Decimal
and call
await market.initPosition(initPositionVars, positionOwner)
Similar manner is for removing position. To fetch position by index use
await market.getPosition(owner: PublicKey, index: number)
or fetch all
await market.getPositionList(owner: PublicKey)
also is possible to fetch all user positions as 'PositionStructure[]'
await market.getAllUserPositions(owner: PublicKey)
which contains
interface PositionStructure {
tokenX: PublicKey
tokenY: PublicKey
feeTier: FeeTier
amountTokenX: BN
amountTokenY: BN
lowerPrice: Decimal
upperPrice: Decimal
unclaimedFeesX: BN
unclaimedFeesY: BN
Variable | Description |
tokenX | Position's token x mint address |
tokenY | Position's token y mint address |
amountTokenX | Amount of token x based on current state |
amountTokenY | Amount of token y based on current state |
lowerPrice | Lower position's price with 8 decimals calculated on the basis of lower tick index |
upperPrice | Upper position's price with 8 decimals calculated on the basis of upper tick index |
unclaimedFeesX | Unclaimed fees in token x based on current state |
unclaimedFeesY | Unclaimed fees in token y based on current state |