Swaps are the most common interaction with the Invariant protocol. The following code shows you how to implement a single swap:
const swapVars: Swap = {
pair: Pair,
xToY: boolean,
amount: BN,
estimatedPriceAfterSwap: Decimal,
slippage: Decimal,
accountX: PublicKey,
accountY: PublicKey,
byAmountIn: boolean,
owner: PublicKey
await market.swap(swapVars, owner)
Swap simulation
As u can see when setting swapVars
the value estimatedPriceAfterSwap
should be supplied. To obtain this number, perform swap simulation, specifically:
const simProps: SimulateSwapInterface = {
xToY: boolean
byAmountIn: boolean
swapAmount: BN
priceLimit: Decimal
slippage: Decimal
ticks: Map<number, Tick>
tickmap: Tickmap
pool: PoolData
The following is an example of usage.
const poolData = await market.getPool(pair)
const simProps: SimulateSwapInterface = {
xToY: true,
byAmountIn: true,
swapAmount: new anchor.BN(1e10),
priceLimit: poolData.sqrtPrice,
slippage: { v: new anchor.BN(DENOMINATOR) },
tickmap: await market.getTickmap(pair),
pool: poolData
const result = simulateSwap(simProps)